Get the knowledge of history of Absinthe. In the late 18th century a French doctor created Absinthe as an elixir for his patients. By 1805 the Absinthe recipeshad got into the hands of Henri-Louis Pernod who started distilling it in his factory in Pontarlier in France.
Original Absinthe Recipes
Pernod’s Absinthe, Original Pernod Fils, was distilled from wine and contained many natural herbs and essential oils from plants including grande wormwood, aniseed, melissa, fennel, lemon balm, dittany, angelica root, hyssop, star anise, nutmeg and juniper.
A variety of recipes and ingredients were used by different producers of Absinthe,The Green Fairy. Calamus root, mint, cloves, nutmeg, roman wormwood, anise seed, coriander, sweet flag and licorice are the other herbs used in Absinthe production. The name and the bitter taste of pre ban Absinthe was due to the herb wormwood, Artimesia Absinthium from which it was prepared.
Wormwood contains the chemical thujone which was thought to be similar to THC in the drug cannabis. Thujone is psychoactive and can cause psychedelic effects when consumed in large quantities. Anethole is the content in anise seed and fennel seed which is psychoactive and Angelica root is grown in the form of a drug in Lapland. Absinthe is a mysterious mix of sedatives and stimulants which gave artists and writers their genius and inspiration! “A clear headed drunkenness” is the explanation on how being drunk on Absinthe.
In 1915 prohibitionists claimed that Absinthe can ruin the country and send everyone insane so it was restricted in France. Studies claimed that consuming Absinthe is just as safe as drinking any of the other strong alcoholic drinks. Absinthe is not dangerous for anyone as it is basically alcohol and only contains only a small amount of wormwood and the other herbs.
Homemade Absinthe Recipes
There are many Absinthe recipes on the Internet using different herbs and different methods – steeping, filtering etc. One should not prepare Absinthe at home from plants, dried herbs or essential oils. Why?
– Absinthe should not be used without distillation.
– It is a bit risky that one cannot know the thujone content of his finished Absinthe.
It is far better to buy either a quality Absinthe, making sure that it’s got the vital ingredient wormwood, or to buy an Absinthe kit which consists of Absinthe essences that have already been distilled.
You can even buy Absinthe in the USA now – Breaux’s label “Lucid” is legal in the USA. does great Absinthe kits which consist of:-
– Absinthe essence – choose from classic, white (which makes clear Swiss style Absinthe, Strong 55 (with a 55mg thujone content) and Orange (flavored with orange oil).
-Take a measure.
– One can purchase Artistic Labels to decorate Absinthe bottles.
One bottle of essence is efficient for preparing 14 bottles of Absinthe!
One can prepare own bottled Absinthe by mixing 20ml of the Absinthe essence with a neutral alcohol.
These essences are simple and easy to use and a safe, top-quality product.
Lots of cocktail Absinthe recipes are there for a person on the Internet. A person can enjoy searching and mixing of cocktails.